Конструкторское бюро Золотухина
Создание информационных систем управления для органов государственной власти из Красноярска
To develop a frontend for the new version of the portal “Libraries of the Eastern Administrative District”, commissioned by the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the city of Moscow, “Centralized Library System of the Eastern Administrative District”.
The library system of the Eastern Administrative District. Libraries are cultural centers not only for residents of their regions, but also for all residents of Moscow. Every year, HLW libraries record more than 2,000,000 out of them inpatient visits more than 80,000.
Excellent optimized HTML / CSS / JS code thanks to which you see the site on the screens of computers, tablets and smartphones. Filters, Interactive map and of course fast loading and navigation through sections.
At the moment, Python / Django technology professionals are creating an administration system and will inform about the launch in the near future
As I have already repeated many times and this will happen many more times until I finally go to ballet dancers – The Bootstrap3 framework is the best library for creating a frontend that has automatic re-layout for mobile devices.
The main feature and difficulty of implementation was the use of Flexbox technology. A new trend in front-end programming allows the container to change the width, height (and order) of its elements to best fill the space. Using this property was a requirement for a site designer. All tapes and box interiors were located and scalable based on Flexbox logic.
Quick debugging for iOS devices was made possible thanks to my friend Rusa Usoltsev, an Apple fan who kindly lent me his iPad. It turned out that: before the element in Safari is perceived as a full-fledged first element of the flexbox tape – therefore, you need to register an additional display: none.
A map was made in the color scheme of the site with a menu and a choice of libraries by clicking on the library card. Map focus and zoom relative to extreme point objects. Move to selected library item